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Office Space is the Place We Live Our Lives

Space is the place, especially when it comes to our office space where we spend an increasing amount of our time. Brian Marzka, founder of Natural Office Solutions, has some insights on the latest trends around office space. The debate on open office vs. traditional office plans continues! Are free-range workspaces the answer to the most satisfying work environment? If you aren’t familiar with the concept; this is where a workspace is laid out with a variety of common areas along with some set aside private spaces such as “phone booths” and small private conference spaces to allow privacy when needed. There are many choices of areas to set up with varying levels of privacy. The key element is there are no assigned work stations. No employee has an area such as a workstation, office or table specifically to themselves. So, will free-range office space work in Pittsburgh? Marzka describes the pros and cons.